The recording of real properties into cadastral databases (land cadastre, building cadastre) is possible through a final, administrational written order or through a final court decree whit cadastral documentation. This paper in short describes the procedure of clarification of land parcel boundaries in an administrational procedure and in a judicial non-litigation procedure. In a judicial boundary clarification procedure, apart from the court itself, a court surveying expert is also of great importance, therefore a special attention was given to his/her particular function. For the Surveying and Mapping Authority's branch office of Litija, which was choosen for study area, we have analysed the frequency of land plot boundaries records in the land cadastre, where boundaries were set based on a court decree. For this purpose we have gathered data on the records of land plot boundaries determined by the court decrees for each cadastral municipality in the study area, using the information system of the Surveying and Mapping Authority. Duration of the procedures and the content of decisions have been analysed for the chosen cases of judicial boundary clarifications, with an emphasis on surveying court expert assessments and the content of court decrees. The purpose of this thesis is to expose critical procedures and problems of the existing legal arrangements for a judicial clarification of land plot boundaries.