In my graduation thesis I focused on curved turnouts as devices which enable the transition between tracks in curves (arc and transtiton curve). This is perceived as one of the more complexed processes in railway transport.
The first part of the thesis covers the theoretical background. It therefore represents the clasification of turnouts, their labeling and components. The calculation of horizontal elements (radius of the turnout track, and lengths changes of closure rails) and altitude profile of the turnout is essential for the design of the turnouts. This is how the speed through the turnout is defined.
I have used this knowledge to design the doublel track, which runs in an arc (R = 800 m) and then with the transition curve ends into the station area. Longitudinal slope of the rail is S‰ = 2 ‰. The track connection in the arc is composed by right internal curved turnout (KR1) and right external curved turnout (KR2). In the end of the transition curve the station track split from the internal rail track. All this enables the right internal parabolic turnout (KR3). These calculations are all based on the turnout 60E1 - 500 - 1:12. What is more I also made the calculations for horizontal elements and the altitude profile for the entire turnout area. In the final part of the thesis I drew a ground plan and the altitude profile of the turnout area. All designing work was done accordingly to the Guideline about the railway superstructure (Pravilnik o zgornjem ustroju železniških prog, UL RS, št. 92/2010).