The thesis is divided into three parts. In the introductory part, a description of an overall
situation in slovenian energy sector is given. Both the already utilized, as well as yet
untapped energy potentials of our country are presented. In addition, the goals and
guidelines of the common european energy policy, to which we are bound as a full members
of the EU, are listed. Without major interventions in the very structure of slovenian energy
production capacities by the end of 2020, it is going to be virtually impossible to meet the
conditions, specified in the european energy legislation. Since water represents one of the
few abundant natural resources in our country and since its quantity per capita ranks third in
Europe, the construction of new hydroelectric power plants is inevitable, if we are to meet the
european requirements. Therefore, a general overview of the planned hydroelectric power
plants on river Sava is presented in the second part of the thesis. Special emphasis is put
on a stretch between Šentjakob and Jevnica. The idea of building a chain of power plants on
the Sava is not new, since such plans were first made in the beginning of previous century,
but the project remained unrealized til now. In the meantime, a number of additional studies
and versions of the power chain have been made. The last and consequently most up to
date are the so called concessional and environmental versions of the power chain. It turns
out that HPP Zalog is lagging behind the other hydropower plants on the middle Sava on
both, energetic and economical terms. In addition, it also has a major impact on the
surrounding natural landmarks. In the last part of the thesis, alternative conceptions, where
the unprofitable and environmentally unacceptable HPP Zalog is abandoned, are presented.
Instead of building HPP Zalog, an adjustment of the adjacent plants is proposed. 21 different
alternatives, that provide a combination of water level rise at the HPP Jevnica and deepening
of the riverbed below HPP Šentjakob, are given. For each of these variants, a stagnation
curve is shown, rated power of the modified power plants is calculated and the extent of
earthworks is assesed. Hereafter, optimal of the presented variants is chosen and a detailed
description of the proposed technical solutions along the discussed stretch of the river is
Benedik, N. 2012. Analiza lokacije hidroelektrarne Zalog na srednji Savi. VII
Dipl. nal. – UNI Ljubljana, UL FGG, Odd. za gradbeništvo, Hidrotehnična smer.
given. In addition, environmental impact and bill of costs of the new conception is also
presented. In conclusion, strengths and weaknesses of the chosen modified version are
compared to the environmental version and the better of the two variants is proposed.