The purpose of the diploma thesis is to present SWAT program, its hydrological components and feasibility of using program modules relating the physical processes of water movement and surface runoff. The practical part describes the application of the program on Glinščica watershed.
The diploma thesis consists of the presentation of the program SWAT, based on the MapWindow platform. The theoretical basics of the program and the empirical equations and methods employed for calculations are listed in the first part. It also includes a detailed description of the Glinščica watershed and the input data preparation required by a model. Further, the application, functioning and procedure of modelling rainfall - runoff for the Glinščica watershed are presented. There is also a short presentation of the SWAT - CUP4 program, intended for calibration and sensitivity analysis, followed by the calibration results, sensitivity analysis and validation results.
Surface runoff was computed using SCS Curve Number and Green and Ampt loss method procedure. The model was calibrated on the basis of the measured hydrographs and runoff volumes on Glinščica watershed for rainfall events and water flow rate in three month period. The calibration procedure has been carried out by the SWAT-CUP4 program. Each calibration of the SWAT run consists of at least four iterations, in which the simulations of different parameter combinations have been executed. Statistical analyses are presented with the R - factor and P - factor, which shows the goodness of fit and Nash - Sutcliffe coefficient and coefficient of determination.