The graduation thesis discusses uncommon intersection, which consists of three internal intersections. Issues of the existing arrangement are defined and tried to be solved through the thesis. Evaluation of a planned nearby bypass road, which could have an effect on traffic flow through this particular intersection, is given. The representative intesection and its traffic load are defined by traffic counting data in the peak hours. The emphasis is on designing of a corporate solution for traffic layout of the area using conventional forms of intersectons or roundabouts in order to encrease safety and clarity by more appropriate signalisation. The development of three possible solutions, which are drawn as conceptual designs, is described. The necessary horisontal and vertical traffic signalisation is defined for the chosen version. Proper elements (extensions, inclinations) of the road axis are calculated on critical places and visibility control in one of the intersectons is made. At the end an analysis of capacity of the representative intersection in the chosen version is performed in order to show the effect of the reconstruction.