Introduction: Medical personnel working in the MRI environment are exposed to various forms of electromagnetic fields (EMF) that vary in frequency and duration of exposure. Many international organizations and committees have developed various safety guidelines to limit occupational exposure and provide protection against known adverse health effects of EMF. Directive 2013/35/EU defines specific exposure limit values and the action levels to prevent all known indirect and direct biophysical health effects caused by EMF. Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to assess the occupational exposure to EMF in MRI clinical environment and to verify its compliance with exposure limit values and action levels set by Directive 2013/35/EU. Methods: The measurements of the static magnetic field have been performed using Metrolab THM 1176 measuring device. Two exposure recording systems were used to assess exposure to high frequency RF fields. Spot measurements were performed using SRM-3006. Simultaneously we measured electric field strength of high frequency RF fields on a fixed grid using Narda NBM 550. Exposure to low frequency gradient magnetic fields involved a measuring system of a Narda ELT 400 that was connected to the oscilloscope via analogue output of the probe. Results: The peak value of the Bo fringe field in the area outside the room with the MRI scanner was measured at the measuring spot 2 (0,61 mT). The peak value of the Bo field inside the room with the MRI scanner reached 1000 mT and was measured at the measuring spot 10. The analysis of low frequency gradient magnetic field measurements showed that the derived action levels for dB/dt were exceeded in the proximity of the MRI device during ongoing clinical protocol at two measuring spots. Peak values of dB/dt measured at this two measuring spots reached 4,03 T/s (measuring spot 29) and 7,08 T/s (measuring spot Y). The peak incident electric field strength was measured at 22,92 V/m, which represents 37,57 % of the action value for the frequency range 10-400 MHz. Discussion and conclusion: Based on the results of the measurements and our findings, we can confirm that the occupational exposure during routine clinical procedures at the MRI department of the Oncology Institute of Ljubljana complies with the exposure limit values and action levels set by Directive 2013/35/EU.