In the spring of 2020, the coronavirus stopped the world economy and transport, disabled cultural events and closed churches. COVID-19 has filled hospitals, and, in many countries, morgues have become too small. There was no vaccine, no cure, and fear of helplessness reigned among the people. In this article, we reflect on the fragility of a man who, until recently, was convinced that he is omnipotent in this world. The starting point for reflection is the academic debate between George Bataille and Jean Daniélou, who in the middle of the last century discussed in Paris about sin and holiness. We have come to the realization that fragility is beneficial to man because it leads him to (O)other in communion. This is a solution for man because it allows him to survive. Thomas Aquinas is convinced that evil came into the world with God’s consent. A man who suffers needs the help of another and God. Thus, in fragility, we can recognize something good that God is sending us. However, fragility is fertile only if we accept it. The article concludes with the thought of the Apostle Paul, who also addresses it: »Because when I am weak, I am strong« (2 Cor 12: 10b).