The paper presents the key elements of exploring the New Perspective on Paul, which
placed Paul and his theology more strongly in the context of the Judaism of his time. A holistic
view of Paul also gives new impetus to the relationship between Jews and Christians. In selected passages from the Epistle to the Galatians, we will examine Paul’s understanding of the
Law, works of the Law, and of justification by faith, as the foundation of a new life. Paul, like
his Jewish opponents in the Galatians, never understood the Law narrowly as a way to achieve justification, but as a fundamental revelation of God that established God’s chosen people.We want to show that a new view of Paul can also give new impetus and new content to the
development of Christian-Jewish relations. Paul’s and Jewish theology builds on a common
foundation of revelation that stems from God’s call of man to the promised land, i. e. into
a new covenant communion with him. This call is also a challenge for modern relations
between Jews and Christians.