The thesis focuses on the innovative application of augmented reality (AR) in mobile
applications to enhance the information provided to end-users within the energy sector. In
today's context, where electricity bills are often complex and difficult to comprehend, AR
technology offers a solution by providing a more intuitive and interactive way to present this
information. The primary objective of the research was to develop an AR prototype that
enables users to more easily and clearly understand their electricity bills. The research utilized
WebAR technology, which allows AR content to be displayed directly through a web browser,
eliminating the need for additional app installations and thereby increasing accessibility.The
prototype was tested with a group of users using a qualitative approach based on
semi-structured interviews. The findings indicated that AR not only simplifies the
understanding of complex information but also enhances user engagement when reviewing
their bills. AR facilitates dynamic data visualization, such as energy consumption, costs, and
comparisons, contributing to an improved user experience. The prototype demonstrates
significant potential for broader industry adoption, offering flexibility, ease of content
updates, and improved communication between energy providers and their customers.