
Primerjava olimpijskih iger v Moskvi leta 1980 in Los Angelesu leta 1984
ID Peček, Luka (Avtor), ID Mikša, Peter (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Namen in cilj moje magistrske naloge je s pomočjo virov in literature predstaviti olimpijske igre v Moskvi leta 1980 in Los Angelesu leta 1984, jih primerjati ter najti razlike in podobnosti. Magistrske naloge sem se lotil tako, da sem iz izbrane literature, iz poročila z olimpijskih iger v Moskvi leta 1980 in Los Angelesu leta 1984 ter iz časopisov (Delo in The New York Times) zbral informacije, jih primerjal in analiziral. Dvaindvajsete olimpijske igre v Moskvi so se začele 19. julija 1980 in končale 3. avgusta 1980, triindvajsete olimpijske igre v Los Angelesu pa so se začele 28. julija 1984 in končale 12. avgusta 1984. Na obojih igrah se je poleg tekmovanja športnikov veliko dogajalo tudi na političnem področju, zaznamoval jih je bojkot. V Moskvi so igre bojkotirale ZDA, v Los Angelesu pa Sovjetska zveza. Glavni vzrok ameriškega bojkota je bila invazija Sovjetske zveze na Afganistan, čez štiri leta je Sovjetska zveza ZDA bojkot »maščevalno« vrnila. Vse to se je dogajalo v času hladne vojne. Bojkot je vplival na olimpijske igre, ki so bile zato manj spektakularne, kakovost športnih tekmovanj je bila močno okrnjena, iger pa se je udeležilo manj vrhunskih športnikov. Kljub temu je bila udeležba vrhunskih športnikov dovolj velika, da so lahko tako igre v Moskvi kot v Los Angelesu dokaj uspešno izpeljali. V obravnavanem času, na začetku osemdesetih let, je veljalo, da olimpijske igre ravno zaradi bojkotov in neprofitnega značaja ter drugih dogajanj po svetu niso zelo priljubljene. Moskva oziroma Sovjetska zveza je želela igre izkoristiti za samopromocijo, se pokazati v dobri luči in se tako odpreti svetu. Los Angeles pa se je zanašal na nov vir zasebnega financiranja in komercializacijo ter želel izkoristiti igre tudi za oglaševanje turizma in morebitno organizacijo velikih športnih dogodkov v prihodnosti.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:olimpijske igre, Moskva, Los Angeles, bojkot, šport
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Leto izida:2024
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163006 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:01.10.2024
Število ogledov:197
Število prenosov:18
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Comparison of the Moscow 1980 and Los Angeles 1984 Olympic games
The aim and goal of master's thesis was to present Olympic games in Moscow 1980 and Los Angeles 1984 with the help of sources and literature, and to make a comparison between them, to find differences and similarities. I started my master's thesis by reading and compiling the desired information from selected literature, official reports of the Moscow 1980 and Los Angeles 1984 Olympic Games and newspapers (Delo and The New York Times), which I later compared and analyzed. The Moscow Olympic Games began on July 19 and lasted until August 3, 1980, and that were XXII. Olympic Games. The Los Angeles Olympic Games began on July 28 and lasted until August 12 in 1984 and were the XXIII. Olympic Games. In addition to the sporting event, a lot happend in politics at the above mentioned games. The Olympics in Moscow 1980 and Los Angeles 1984 were both marked by boycotts of the Games. The games in Moscow were boycotted by the USA and in Los Angeles by the Soviet Union. The main cause of the US boycott was the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan, and four years later the Soviets »retaliated« against Los Angeles with their own boycott. Of course, there was also the influence of the Cold war. The boycott affected both Olympic Games, making them less spectacular than they could have been and having less high quality sports competitions due to the lack of quality athletes. Despite everything, many quality athletes came to both Olympic Games, and both Muscovites and Los Angelesans completed the Olympic Games quite successfully. At the time in question, in the early eighties, it was considered that Olympic Games were not popular due to boycotts, non-profit games and other events around the world. However, Moscow or the Soviet Union intended to use the games for its own promotion and to show itself in a »good light« and open itself up to the world. Los Angeles was reffering to a new source of private funding and commercialism, and wanted to use the games to »advertise« tourism and the future organization of major events.

Ključne besede:Olympic Games, Moscow, Los Angeles, boycott, sport

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