The master's thesis explores the potential of dramaturgical analysis, i.e. the language of theater to legal research, with Goffman's work Presenting oneself in everyday life serving as a basis. The purpose of the Master's work is not to claim that law can only be described with theatrical language, but rather that theatrical concepts are only one of the ways or aspects of describing and explaining law. To begin with, I research the thesis from the point of view of sociological theorists, history and describe the methodology from which the master's thesis is based, but at the same time I am also critical of my own approach beforehand. I then directly apply Goffman's concepts to law. Among them is the concept of performance, which mainly includes the concept of faith, masks, reality, made-up, idealization, mystification, etc. and misrepresentation. For each concept, I try to find an example within the law that confirms it. I then wrote about legal and illegal teams, how they function in the front and backstage areas, and how team members function with each other and in relation to the other team. Finally, I speak very briefly about the different roles, especially the discrepant ones.