Resveratrol is a compound with very low solubility in water. To enhance the solubility and dissolution rate of resveratrol, we aimed to create solid dispersions using mesoporous silica Syloid® 244 FP as a carrier. Solid dispersions were prepared via solvent evaporation using rotary evaporation and compared with spray drying. 20 % and 30 % solid dispersions of resveratrol in six solvents (methanol, acetone, ethanol, ethyl acetate, isopropanol, and tetrahydrofuran) were prepared. The resveratrol content in the solid dispersions and its release from these dispersions were analyzed using UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The crystallinity or amorphous nature of the samples was evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry. We assessed the physical stability of resveratrol and the solid dispersions after a 4-week aging period under elevated temperature and humidity conditions.
The objective was to incorporate resveratrol into the mesoporous silica carrier in an amorphous state, which was not fully achieved. Nevertheless, we observed improved release of resveratrol from the solid dispersions compared to pure resveratrol. The release profile of resveratrol from solid dispersions exhibited a biphasic pattern - a rapid initial release that eventually reached a plateau.
The release behavior of resveratrol from solid dispersions is influenced by the ratio of resveratrol to Syloid® 244 FP, the choice of solvent used for preparing the solid dispersion, and the method of solvent evaporation. Solid dispersions prepared by spray drying demonstrated faster and more extensive release than those prepared by rotary evaporation. Solid dispersions with a 20 % resveratrol content showed better initial release than those with a 30 % content. Among the solvents, acetone and methanol led to the most extensive initial release for both 20 % and 30 % solid dispersions.
We concluded that the stability of solid dispersions containing resveratrol and Syloid® 244 FP is unpredictable and requires further investigation.