American Douglas fir has been historically one of the most commonly planted alien tree species in Slovenia, specifically in Zgornja Gorenjska region. Information onIntelligence on what is the scope and status of these crops today, is limited. In the field, they have chosen 13 research facilities and surveyed 414 Douglas fir specimens in total, of which 63 are above the metric threshold (diameter at breat height over 10 cm), 151 under the metric tresholdand 200 representatives of natural regeneration. It grows on altitudes between 460 - 1050 meters above the sea level on slopes between 0 - 40 degrees. Douglas firs above the metric treshold are vital and of great dimensions. Younger tree plantations were only partially sucessful due to the lack of forest tending, unidentified abiotic or biologic factors and unverified provenances. Subspontaneous spread of Douglas fir wasis enabled only in locations with better light conditions. A total of 22 % of seedlings were browsed by deer.