Diploma work describes the history and organization of charcoal-burning in Slovenia, with emphasis on the area of Ribnica and Kočevje. All researches and measurements were made in Rakitnica. In the survey, it was observed that the charcoal burning wood is still a profitable activity, but nowadays this activity has to be to sold also as part of the tourist offer. In the charcoal pile 8128.1 kg of wood was measured - the mass of the wood was established by weighing the wood before it is put together in charcoal pile. The mass of the charcoal at the end was 1328 kg. This means that for 1 kg of charcoal, 6.12 kg of wood is needed. Humidity of the wood was 41.51%. From the investigated charcoal pile more charcoal could be obtained, if firewood was dried better. The survey also found a number of differences to which this activity comes.