Research in the first part describes the analysis of private property in the Forest Region (GGO) Kranj, forest management and avaliability of informations,important for forest management. Personally, we visited 201 private owner, conducted interviews with each of them and analyzed the resultsseparately by size and socioeconomic categories. Management of private forests GGO Kranj shows the gap between planned and realized silvicultural measures as a result of fragmentation of property (60 % of owners property based on three complexes), the lack of participation in forest planning (only 6 % private owners participate in public hearings) and modest interest owners for innovative management procedures. In the second part, we focused on evalutations of effectiveness and utility of forest property plans, which shows significantly better results in major private owners (13.4 %). Interpretations of knowledge, interest and understanding of forest property plans we have identified according to the size and socio-economic categories of property. Increased willingness to cover part of costs for the forest property plan depends on what the benefits of the incomes are. Major private owners who are economically dependent on their forest, seems to acquire the property plan is reasonable. For smaller private owners we can perceive a very low level of information avaliable on forest management plans. Potential users of the forest property plans will also be small private owners, if public forestry service will change the attitude and paying more attentions toward them.