Two sets of short stories are presented: Mumps v zrelih letih (1995) by Mohor Hudej and Resnični umori (1997) by Dušan Čater, in which the narrator’s world and the basic questions of his life are exposed through the fragmented thematising of the everyday in the form of recurring murders (and suicides) of the self. The language characteristic of both collections does not avoid the unembellished, colloquial and lower language variety or dialect that gives the narrative worlds the status of this kind of reality. The usually discordant relation between an individual and society and, even more often, between an individual and himself is narrated with ironic distance; for this reason Hudej’s and Čater’s stories do not lapse into the kind of moralising that is disturbing for a šcontemporary’ reader. Hudej’s and Čater’s narrators are mostly indifferent to events, they rarely intervene actively, they are largely mere describers of everyday situations.