Literature as a medium brings information about the world indirectly, the recipient must decode the different semantic levels of the text in order to uncover the relations between them, for this makes possible understanding of the whole sense of the text. Thus interpretation is the foundation of the cultural function of literature. At a time of development of mass means of communication, other media increasingly restrict the medium of language. These are in competition with literature, attractive above all because of their apparent simplicity, although often their understanding is not restricted to one level of meaning. The interpretation procedure should include both external and internal dissection of the text from a specific philosophical and methodological standpoint, grasping the internal meaning of the work and its structural bearer, contextually deciphering that meaning in order to appreciate the sense of the whole and the value of the work within the context of current and previous literary creation. The skill of interpreting involves understanding and respecting the particularity of the artistic message that goes beyond the boundaries of the literary work