This document presents tools for quality assurance, their applications and examples from the practice of Domel d.o.o. It summarizes the history of Domel d.o.o. and its competencies and goals. A simple description of quality-to-assurance tools and their use in real-life examples is presented. This document targets the wider public. Its aim is to encourage students to take a path of technical quality and acknowledge the importance of quality in both industry and in everyday life. It describes some of the most used quality tools and their applicability to industrial and life processes. It also gets deeper into some actual challenges of Domel d.o.o. Some methods like 8D, Ishikawa, FMEA, A3 problem solving 5Why, QFD and others are presented more precisely. Quality assurance methods are the most significant part of quality itself. Without them, it would be challenging to describe quality as such. The main body of the text presents the actual use of tools, the way of judging which one is more suitable, as it is, in many cases, a complex process and choosing the appropriate method is a challenge. A moderator who leads crisis meetings using quality assurance tools must know the method and how to use the tool itself in such a way that everyone present understands the essence of the method that leads to a solution. That is not always the case, as the tools become more complex, meaning that even those present need basic knowledge of the method for a successful solution. The document also includes a description of the company's actual procedures I faced during my internship at Domel. At the end of the work, I described the implementation of the methods and the solutions that found using them. The goal of the document is to present a successfully resolved problem in the company, for which an official complaint was handled simultaneously, which is why the case was even more complex and took more time. Everyone uses quality assurance tools, even if they don't realize it. A final annexe would represent a progression of this document, which is a living document and not in its final form. The document as a product for quality control in the production process could also serve as an aid in establishing quality to a higher level in companies that do not yet have quality control of the production process.