Same-sex families have long suffered discimination, been without any legislative support and were invisible in the eyes of society. The nuclear model of a the heterosexual family is seen as an ideal in society and every other form of family that deviates from this norm, including same-sex families, must prove its normality. Children in same-sex families struggle with their development, emotional state and perform poorly in school – these are statements, which were seen as truthful and were supported by early research on same-sex families but have now been disproven in more recent studies. There have been many positive changes happening in our Western society, which have started to grant greater rights to same-sex couples and families and are now in no small effect contributing to an all scale inclusion of same-sex families in everyday social life. Public opinion is also shown to be overwhelmingly positive, which greatly helps same-sex parents and their children feel included and accepted in society. As such, there have been improvements in the overall well-being of same-sex parents which affects their children in a positive way. The concluding work aims to use a meta-analysis of research in the field of same-sex families to prove that children in same sex-families develop normally and do not suffer any disadvantages due to the sexual orientation of their parents.