The issue raised in the master's assignment is the right to information privacy and the legal protection of personal data at the European and national level. I specifically focus on the right to information privacy in healthcare and important legal provisions in the field of protection of the right to information privacy in healthcare are presented. I pay special attention to the role of the development of digital healthcare. I also investigated the proposal for the Regulation on the European Health Data Space, proposed and approved by the European Commission in 2022. The proposal is in the regular European legislative process and has not yet been adopted at the time of writing. During the analysis of the material, I came to the conclusion that there is still a lot of room for improvement for the protection of patients' health data. Attention must be paid to the issue concerned, especially due to the rapid development of digital healthcare, which the law has difficulty keeping up with. Evidently an exchange of health data between the member states of the European Union can be expected, so the rights of patients to the protection of their health data must be taken into account during this exchange.