In a time of growing importance of sustainable energy infrastructure, a need arises for a comprehensive review and analysis of various sources of financing electrical energy infrastructure, as traditional methods of financing have become outdated and limit the speed of development and transition to green energy sources.
To explore the subject, we used the method of document analysis, the aim of which is to provide detailed and high-quality information about the topic under consideration. We focused on various financing mechanisms and platforms, such as public-private partnerships, public procurement of innovations, fixed-income instruments such as green bonds, decentralized financing, and crowdfunding. In addition to document analysis, we also used the method of data analysis, with which we examined and processed already collected data, with the aim of discovering patterns and trends, as well as answers to our questions.
For each of the financing sources, we defined the suitability of each mechanism for each type of electrical energy infrastructure. Additionally, we defined the risk areas for each mechanism and backed up the analysis with examples of good practice. The findings from the examples of good practices indicate that government and private sector awareness of modern investment methods is important. Optimal selection of the financing mechanism according to the needs of each project is also significant, as not every method of financing is suitable for every project.