
Brezposelnost mladih : magistrsko delo
ID Kotnik, Neža (Avtor), ID Rihter, Liljana (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: DE13907EF56B35D40992686F09ABA634

Brezposelnost mladih je velik družbeni izziv. Posamezniku brezposelnost prinese številne težave in negotovosti, prav tako pa ima velik vpliv na fizično in psihično zdravje. Zato je ključnega pomena, da se brezposelni čim hitreje vključijo v delovno okolje, kjer ohranjajo stike s sodelavci, si ustvarijo rutino in se hitreje osamosvojijo. Mladi brezposelni so še posebej ranljiva skupina, ker prihajajo v delovno okolje neposredno po izobraževanju, kar pa je lahko zelo stresno obdobje. V teoretskem delu magistrskega dela sem predstavila brezposelnost mladih in navedla vzroke ter vrste brezposelnosti, strategije preživetja, psihosocialne posledice brezposelnosti in povezavo tega problema s socialnim delom. Z raziskavo o brezposelnosti mladih sem želela dobiti boljši vpogled v ta družbeni problem. Raziskovala sem pomen dela za mlade, razloge za brezposelnost mladih, vpliv izobrazbe na brezposelnost, načine iskanja zaposlitve, neformalne in formalne oblike pomoči brezposelnim in vpliv brezposelnosti na življenje. Po pregledu rezultatov, ki sem jih dobila v sklopu empirične, kvalitativne raziskave na neslučajnostnem vzorcu, sem ugotovila, da ima brezposelnost velik vpliv na mlade. Pridobila sem različna mnenja in poglede mladih brezposelnih. Ugotovila sem, da mladim delo predstavlja velik pomen, da so nekateri brezposelni po svoji volji, večinoma pa so razlogi za brezposelnost po njihovem mnenju v tem, da tekom izobraževanja dobijo preveč splošna znanja za opravljanje dela. Zaposlitev večinoma iščejo v neformalnih mrežah in na Zavodu za zaposlovanje, s pomočjo katerega pa niso zadovoljni. Mladim brezposelnim je v pomoč predvsem neformalna socialna mreža, brezposelnost pa ima tako negativne kot tudi pozitivne vplive na življenje. Pri reševanju brezposelnosti lahko pomagajo centri za socialno delo in zavodi za zaposlovanje, kjer svetovalci, socialni delavci in drugi strokovnjaki usmerjajo brezposelne. Ugotovila sem, da obstajajo razlike med različnimi skupinami, ki sem jih primerjala – da so bolje izobraženi v primerjavi s tistimi, ki imajo nižjo izobrazbo, velikokrat zavrnjeni zaradi visoke izobrazbe, prav tako pa so manj zadovoljni s pomočjo zavoda za zaposlovanje kot tisti, ki imajo nižjo izobrazbo. Ena od ugotovitev mojega magistrskega dela je bila tudi, da so tisti z nižjo izobrazbo večkrat prostovoljno brezposelni. Razlika pa se je pokazala tudi pri urejanju stanovanjske problematike – tisti, ki živijo sami, nimajo toliko neformalnih oblik pomoči, plačevanje najemnine pa jim predstavlja negotovost.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:mladi, brezposelnost, brezposelnost mladih, iskanje zaposlitve, neformalna pomoč, formalna pomoč, zavod za zaposlovanje, socialno delo
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FSD - Fakulteta za socialno delo
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[N. Kotnik]
Leto izida:2023
Št. strani:218 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148481 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:163938819 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:24.08.2023
Število ogledov:1258
Število prenosov:229
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Youth unemployment
Youth unemployment is a massive challenge to our society. Unemployment is a source of multiple problems and uncertainties, as well as taking a big toll on person's physical and mental health. For that reason it is vital, that the unemployed people are included in the working environment as fast as possible, so that they can maintain relations with their co-workers, build a routine and be able to become independent. Young unemployed people are an especially vulnerable group, as they are entering the work environment immediately after years of education, which can be a very stressful period of their lives. In the theoretical part of the master's thesis I presented youth unemployment and what are the main reasons for it, the strategies of dealing with it, psychosocial consequences of unemployment and the connection of this problem to social work. With the master's thesis about youth unemployment I wanted to get a better insight into this social issue. I researched the meaning of work for young people, the reasons for unemployment, the influence of education on unemployment, different ways of finding employment, formal and informal ways of help to the unemployed and the effect of unemployment on their everyday lives. With result, gathered within empirical, qualitative research based on a non-random convenience sample, I have discovered that unemployment has a big impact on young people. I got valuable insight from different opinions and views of the young and unemployed. I have found out, that employment is a crucial value for young people, that some of them are unemployed by their own free will, while the majority believe that they are unemployed because during their education, they received knowledge that is too general, too broad, which hinders them when they are searching for employment. They search for jobs mostly via informal networks and through Employment offices, which they are not satisfied with. Young and unemployed are mostly helped within an informal social network, with unemployment having both negative and positive consequences in their lives. For solving of unemployment, different institutions can be helpful, such as centres for social work and employment offices. I have found out, that there are differences between the different groups, that I have analysed – that those with higher education are often denied employment because of their higher education compared to those with lower levels of education, while also being less content with the help offered to them by the employment offices. One of the major findings of my master's thesis was also that those with lower levels of education are often unemployed by their own free will. Difference also emerged with solving of the housing issues – those, who live alone do not have as many informal forms of help, while also being subjected to uncertainty when it comes to paying their rent.

Ključne besede:youth, unemployment, youth unemployment, job searching, informal help, employment office, social work

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