The bachelor's dissertation discusses noun derivatives from the prepositional phrase in the works of Jože Toporišič (Slovenska slovnica), A. Vidovič Muha (Slovensko skladenjsko besedotvorje), Anton Bajec (Besedotvorje slovenskega jezika: I Izpeljava samostalnikov in Besedotvorje slovenskega jezika: IV Predlogi in predpone) and two dictionaries Slovar slovenksega knjižnega jezika and Slovenski pravopis. For noun derivatives from the prepositional phrase, we notice different discussions and names. I have chosen the term noun derivative from prepositional phrase because these nouns are derived from a prepositional phrase and have a suffix like a derivative. The dissertation offers a combined overview of the discussion of noun derivatives from the prepositional phrase by three linguists and two dictionaries, as well as a semantic analysis of the prefixes and suffixes of noun derivatives from the prepositional phrase. The analysis led us to the conclusion that all discussed prefixes pod-, brez-, ob-, pri-, nad-, pred-, za-, do-, and the suffixes -je and -ek are very productive for noun derivatives from prepositional phrase.