Professional burnout is a psychological syndrome that manifests as a response to inadequate psychological circumstances of work. Signs of burnout can appear in different areas of an individual's functioning: emotional, behavioral, cognitive, and social. The occurrence of burnout is influenced by social circumstances and the psychological circumstances of life and work, as well as the individual's personality traits, so help and support are important both at the level of the individual and at the level of the work organization in preventing the occurrence of burnout. An effective method to prevent burnout is supervision. Proffesions that deal with helping people are the most prone to burnout, which also includes the proffesion of mobile teacher for additional proffesional assistance. A mobile teacher for additional professional assistance implements an educational program with adapted implementation and additional professional assistance in schools and kindergartens. In the research paper, we focused on the investigation of burnout among mobile teachers for additional professional assistance. We were interested in whether mobile teachers for additional professional assistance experience burnout and how factors such as the number of students, the number of work locations, the number of hours of work obligations, the number of years of service and the assessment of spatial and material conditions affect the experience of burnout. We used a descriptive and causal non-experimental research method with a quantitative approach. The sample consisted of 69 mobile teachers for additional professional assistance. Through statistical data processing, we found that mobile teachers for additional professional assistance do not experience burnout. We also found that none of the factors, such as the number of students, the number of work locations, the number of hours of work obligations, the number of years of service and the assessment of spatial and material conditions, affects the greater experience of burnout.