The thesis highlights the topic of the right to abortion as a feminist issue. It also sheds light on it through other methods of birth control. A review of the legal regulation of the right to abortion throughout history shows the key events leading up to its definition in the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia. The right to abortion is regulated in such a way that up to the 10th week of pregnancy, it is carried out at the request of the pregnant woman. Afterwards, it depends on the decision of a commission on the grounds of health risks; practice shows quite a few limitations. In recent years, the policy in this area has tightened. In Poland, a young woman lost her life because the doctors feared legal consequences and couldn't have an abortion despite it being legally possible. In Croatia, there was a case where abortion was refused on medical grounds, but in Slovenia, where abortion legislation is almost the same, the procedure was approved. A significant change happened in 2022 in the United States, where the Supreme Court overturned a right dating back to 1973. Banning abortion is a problem from several points of view - medical, because of the increase in illegal abortions and women's deaths; social, because of the deaths of children who are dependent on their mothers, particularly affecting the poorest and socially disadvantaged; and, last but not least, political, because banning abortion is a threat to women's autonomy and freedom, regardless of a woman's social status.