During the COVID-19 virus outbreak, a sudden need for a secure and anonymous vaccination system emerged. Blockchain technologies proved to be the best in tackling this problem. In this master's thesis, we present the development of our vaccination system Cardano Vaccinator. The system relies on Cardano, the third generation blockchain, which is more efficient than other technologies. The system provides high degrees of security and privacy by complying with the W3C standard and using a self-sovereign identity. Data storage is realized using a centralized database and distributed filesystems, like the IPFS. The system is integrated into our customized consortium network, based on the Cardano blockchain, which provides a good user experience. Cardano Vaccinator is an efficient alternative that does not present many costs. Regarding the analysis of the potential workload, it reaches good results and can issue vaccination certificates without delay. Benchmark tests show that the system is capable enough to be integrated into the production environment.