This master’s thesis discusses Marko Sosič’s novel Balerina, Balerina and its French translation. Since the novel is partially written in the Slovene dialect of the Littoral region, this thesis is going to analyse how its elements have been translated into French. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to define the translation strategies that have been used for the translation of this non-standard language variety and to determine what has been kept or lost in the process of translation. With the help of a corpus comprising the examples of dialect which appear in the
novel, we have decided to observe the different strategies and approaches used to translate them. In the theoretical part, we first establish the differences between language registers which are followed by an introduction to dialects and a description of the linguistic situation in Slovenia
in general as well as in Slovene literature. Secondly, we introduce the approaches to translation as proposed by several theoreticians yet focusing on those proposed by David Horton. Finally, we present the author Marko Sosič and his novel. In the empirical part, we present the working
methods, divide the non-standard elements of the language into corresponding groups and analyse the examples. In the conclusion, we confirm four out of six hypotheses.