Japan, is a country of strong traditions and a long history. When Japan stepped on the global stage, it had to adapt to a globalized economy, a new political system and to international collaborations, all while trying to maintain its traditional identity. In order to do so, Japan tries to modernize its traditional characteristics. After world war 2, Japan focused on strengthening its economic development. From this, the Japanese corporative capitalism gave birth to the so called sarariman, a class of office workers, known for their devotion to their company. They demonstrate their devotion by working long hours and sacrificing their private life. As a result, because of burnout, they develop cardiovascular disease or psychological problems that may lead to death. These kinds of deaths are referred to as karōshi or karōjisatsu. In the following, I will try prove, that the reason for karōshi lies in the lingering confucianist values and the weakening of labor unions. The Japanese have very specific work ethics that can be noticed even in the context of communication. For some, their way of communication, interaction and behavior might look considerably unique and complex. People, who did not grew up in a Japanese society, might find it difficult to communicate or interact with Japanese people. Because of this, I will try to prove that Japanese work ethics can set some obstacles between the Japanese and foreigners in a working environment. Japan is trying to expand its economy in to the global market. To do so, it needs foreigners that can function as mediators or that can bring new innovations.