Sexuality is one of those aspects of life that today's man finds hard to ignore, because it is with him at every turn. Because it is important what kind of attitude towards the body and sexuality we instil in our children, we have focused on bringing the Pope's teachings closer to everyone. During the preparation of the thesis, we came to the conclusion that, despite constant contact with it, it is still difficult for today's man to talk about sexuality, and many of these difficulties stem from a lack of knowledge and understanding of the appropriate terminology.
In this thesis, we summarise four papal documents dealing with the theme of marriage and sexuality that have been published in the last fifty years. We continue with the theology of the body, a doctrine developed by Pope John Paul II. Because of the breadth of the Pope's teaching, we summarise 3 of his catecheses in this work, which we try to explain in a way that makes them accessible to the ordinary person. In the last part of the thesis we include a glossary of some terms, which is intended to help understanding and to facilitate communication in this field.