The master's thesis, entitled Ivan Hribar between politician and writer, presents the mayor of Ljubljana, diplomat, businessman and writer Ivan Hribar from a literary-historical and historical point of view. The focus is on Hribar's literary and political activities, with a special emphasis on the author's place in Slovenian literary history. The first part of the thesis deals with Hribar's political activity within the liberal camp, presenting the neo-Slavic idea in the light of Hribar's thought. The thesis then introduces two central figures of Slovenian liberalism, Ivan Hribar's friend and rival, and the writer and politician Ivan Tavčar. The central part of the thesis then examines Hribar's correspondence with Slovenian cultural workers, thus also situating him within the Slovenian literary system. In the last part of the thesis, we take a closer look at the literary works of Ivan Hribar: the libretto Kralj Matjaž, the poetry collection Brstje, the poems Na slovenskem Parnasu and Njega ni and his most extensive work, the manuscript novel Gospod Izidor Fučec, srednjeveška povest naših dni.