Choosing the right font for a particular purpose is crucial in perceiving, receiving and understanding information, as we convey an important message through typeface shapes and styles.
The purpose of the diploma thesis is to design and make a font that is suitable for use on a series of typographic posters. The designed posters point out the correct use of typographic elements in Slovene (three dots, quotation marks, hyphens and dashes, date and time), as incorrect records are often found in Slovenia. The main objectives of the diploma thesis were to present the process of typeface design, research the field of typographic poster design, typeface production and its use on a series of five typographic posters, which point to the correct use of typographic elements in Slovene and check the attitude of respondents to design fonts and posters.
In the theoretical part, we presented the beginning of typographic posters in the world and Slovenia and their development in the initial visual communication. We presented a set of typefaces used on typographic posters and investigated the correct notation of selected typographic elements. The experimental part contains a detailed description of the preparation and production of fonts and posters, from the initial sketches and ideas to the final image. We checked the effectiveness of the design with an online survey.
We designed a series of five typographic posters, which are related in terms of content and design, and encourage young people in particular to use microtypographic elements correctly, such as punctuation, data and time. We conducted an online survey, where we checked the attitude of young people towards designed typefaces and posters. With the obtained results, we confirmed the set hypotheses and achieved the set goals.