This master's thesis examines the role of film as a tool for interpreting and presenting geographic themes. Film as a visual narrative artform has a great appeal and is therefore one of the pillars of the entertainment industry. Among other themes, we often find geographic themes in films, and therefore geographers should pay attention to how they are interpreted. Filmmakers often sacrifice the accuracy of the subject to make the film narrative more dramatic. In this master's thesis, we wanted to find out if it is possible to make an engaging and compelling film while maintaining the accuracy of the geographic subject. For that purpose, we analysed six relatively famous and successful films that contain various geographical themes. We created a transparent methodological model and, based on clearly defined criteria, evaluated various aspects of the representation of geographic themes in the selected films. The results of the analysis show, first of all, a great variety of themes and narrative styles, while at the same time they show significant differences in accuracy to the theme of the source. Finally, we also presented the process of conceptualising and creating a geographic film with two of our own films.