In my master's thesis, I researched the experiences of parents of children with special needs. In the theoretical part, I presented children with special needs and identified them according to their specific disabilities. I also explored the pre-school and elementary school children with special needs, their parents and the cooperation of parents with professionals. I invited parents of children with special needs to share their stories and experiences. As part of my assignment, I explored their psychosocial coping with their role and the child’s disability. I discovered who their support people and mechanisms are. I was interested in their experience in dealing with various institutions and individuals they come in contact with during the treatment of their children, what are the possible changes and adjustments in the financial situation of the family. I conducted qualitative research in which I interviewed 7 individuals, with whom I came in contact through a personal acquaintance or Facebook group – Parents of children with special needs. The results of the research showed that most parents already anticipate or recognize their child's disability, and when they are informed about the child's disability, they experience negative feelings and thoughts. The dynamics of families with children with special needs is different, as most of them are adapted to the specific needs of the child. In most cases, the partnership also changes. Parents get the most support from their partner, friends or grandparents. Most parents have good experience working with health care staff, kindergarten teachers and school teachers. The influence of the child’s disability on the financial situation of the family is different, most parents have to adapt the living space to the needs of the child.