Since the beginning of 2020, when the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) began to affect us, it forced us to quickly adapt to a new and highly contagious virus. One of the main transmission routes is through the air via exhaled droplets or droplets suspended in the air, which we call aerosols. These can travel indoors and, in some cases, through ventilation systems to other areas of buildings, so sharing indoor spaces poses a high risk of infection. After reviewing and analyzing the systems and rooms of the selected educational building, we calculated the probability of infection and the event reproduction number for different values of the selected parameters using the COVID-19 calculator from representatives of the European heating and ventilation associations (REHVA). The calculator is based on the Wells-Riley model, with the help of which we concluded that the use of masks with better filtration has the most significant impact on reducing the probability of infection when improving measures, followed by an increase in the supply of fresh air. The addition of air purifiers to the premises has a slightly less impact. In our example, the difference in the absolute probability of infection is twelve percent for the case when the ventilation does not work compared to the maximum ventilation value.