The master thesis focuses on the experience of migration as a source of learning. Based on the assumption that an individual is faced with changes during such transition, which lead to the modification of knowledge, behaviour, point of view, practices, values and, therefore, to conscious and unconscious biographical learning. The research aimed to identify the learning and knowledge-building of Slovenian emigrants in Australia through the process of migration. In the empirical part, we conducted research based on theor in the field of migration, the theory of biographical learning and the theory of transition learning. After coming back from Australia data were collected using ten semi-structured interviews. Following the interpretation of the semi-structured interviews and the narrative research method, we aimed to explore the circumstances that affected migration and biographical learning with the analysis of selected narratives. We researched how migration influenced their perception of culture and language, which learning strategies they used in the process of changing the environment and adapting to a new/foreign environment, what they learned and how they perceived themselves and their environment in this process, as well as how their identities have changed. The research concludes that migrants employed all four strategies of transitional learning according to Wildemeersch and Stroobants (2018): adaptation, growth, distinction and resistance. In the process of migration, the interviewees experienced various changes that led to the modification of knowledge, values and skills, as well as ways of feeling, acting and thinking in various fields: family, work and social relations. They emphasised personal changes (personal growth, identity change) and defined learning about themselves as one of the most important forms of learning in the migration process. The findings show that the dynamics of the relationship between the subject and their environment, as well as the subjective experience and its interpretation are all important aspects in biographical learning.