The purpose of this master's thesis was to investigate the problems and faults in body posture in adolescents, to present the risk factors that we must pay attention to and to present preventive guidelines. The relevant Slovenian and foreign literature were reviewed on this topic. The master's thesis is monograph-based.
We presented the most common functional changes and deformations of posture in adolescence and found that faults of body posture in adolescence are very common. The most common faults of body posture in sagittal plane are kyphotic posture, lordotic posture, and flat back. The most common in the frontal plane is adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). In a systematic review we found that risk factors for the occurrence of postural abnormalities include age, height, body weight, body mass index (BMI), muscle and fat mass. Low-level physical activity and prolonged sitting are also risk factors for postural abnormalities in adolescents.
When analyzing existing preventive interventions to prevent postural abnormalities, we found that preventive programs to promote proper posture have a statistically significant impact on increasing appropriate behavior and knowledge of back care in studetns. Preventive programs that make children and adolescents aware of the importance of posture and are learning them good forms of movement should include the promotion of active lifestyle and awareness of healthy habits, learning the basics of anatomy and pathology of the back and biomechanically favorable positions while standing, sitting, lying down, lifting, pushing and bending. When faults of body posture are already present, corrective exercise can be added to physical education classes or as an additional activity. In adolescence, it makes sense to start dealing with the correct movement patterns as well as learning the correct technique of performing strength exercises. Strength training could be the best prevention of any abnormalities in human body and should be included in the life of each individual.