The main part of the master's thesis deals with the selected problems pertaining to the formation of canonical forms of phraseological units (PU) in the Slovenian language. The issues of the sequence of components and different narrative possibilities that affect the notation of PUs were highlighted. A survey was conducted in order to check speakers’ judgement on the suitability of PU entries in relation to previously formed guidelines and typical realizations in the corpus.
We ascertained that the abstract sequence of components in canonical forms for sentence, textual and pragmatic PUs and for PUs with a lexicalized object in the accusative case, is unsuitable for inclusion in a dictionary. However, it is better that the sequence of components is formed according to the notation of typical corpus forms. For non-sentence verbal PUs, which according to the corpus data appear more often with components in a different order from the prescribed, we assessed similarly. Non-sentence verbal PUs are understood as exceptions to this rule and are preferably formed as typical corpus forms, as well. In PUs, in which the position of the component in the dative case can be filled with different lexical realizations, the position of the objects in the dative and accusative case do not play an important role. Therefore, their canonical forms can follow the abstract sequence of components. For PUs that typically appear in a past tense but occur in the corpus in other grammatical tenses as well, the present tense could be used as a neutral representative, but not without further research of exceptions, which are recognized by speakers as unsuitable for inclusion in the dictionary.
The findings will help us form appropriate PU entries in the lexicon upgrade as well as understand the structure of PU in the lexical system of the Slovenian language and the actual use of language.