This master's thesis describes the life of Roma people in Slovenia, especially in the Dolenjska region. It describes their social situation, the growing-up factor, their pre-school and school period, their free time and the trauma and consequences that life in a Roma community brings. Its main theme is the effectiveness of the implementation of measures of supervision by social welfare authorities (NOSV) of the selected minors.
I obtained the results of the empirical part of the thesis by writing an ethnographic diary where I wrote down and described each experience I had had with the minors and their families.
I collected the data with participatory observations, the written documentation of the 'Center za socialno delo Dolenjska in Bela krajina, Enota Novo mesto (CSD DBK, Enota NM)’ and after one year of working with minors during the implementation of the NOSV. I eventually carried out a study of the cases of boys and girls who participated in my analysis.
In the process I used narrative approaches of social work and case studies, thus writing first-level stories that opened up many new topics. Herein I considered the social policy and the personal view of the story. I analyzed eight minors, five boys and three girls. Finally, I sorted the data into six groups and compared them in the experimental theory.