
Značilnosti čustvovanja in stilov navezanosti pri spolno promiskuitetnih mladostnikih in razreševanje promiskuitetnega vedenja v psihoterapevtskem procesu
ID Fabjan, Alja (Avtor), ID Simonič, Barbara (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Doktorsko delo obravnava spolno promiskuiteto pri mladostnikih, raziskuje njeno morebitno povezanost s kakovostjo stika s starši, stilom navezanosti in regulacijo afekta, ter osvetljuje obravnavo dveh spolno promiskuitetnih mladostnic v psihoterapevtskem procesu. V teoretičnem uvodu je skozi pregled literature najprej predstavljeno obdobje mladostništva in spolno vedenje mladostnikov ter pojma spolne promiskuitete in socioseksualne orientiranosti. Temu sledi opis kakovosti odnosa s starši ter pomembnosti spolne vzgoje, nato pa poglavje o stilih navezanosti in njihovi odslikavi na področju partnerskih odnosov, tako v odrasli dobi kot tudi v mladostništvu. Teoretični del se nadaljuje z vsebino, ki govori o regulaciji afekta in njeni vlogi na področju partnerstva ter spolnosti, teološkim pogledom na spolnost in spolno promiskuiteto, ter zaključi s psihoterapevtskimi vidiki obravnave spolnosti in spolne promiskuitete. Empirični del zajema tri dele. V kvantitativni raziskavi je sodelovalo 307 slovenskih mladostnikov in mladostnic, starih od 18 do 24 let. Skozi vprašalnike SOI-R, RQ, DERS in IPPA je bilo raziskano področje spolne promiskuitete in njenih morebitnih povezav s kakovostjo stika med mladostnikom in starši, njegovimi stili navezanosti in regulacijo afekta. Področje se dodatno osvetli v kvalitativnem delu, v fenomenološki psihološki študiji ter dveh psihoterapevtskih študijah primera. Raziskava je pokazala, da je stopnja spolne promiskuitete višja pri mladostnikih, kot pri mladostnicah, enako velja za mladostnike starejše od 21 let, v primerjavi z mlajšimi. Manjšo stopnjo spolne promiskuitete lahko pričakujemo pri mladostnikih, ki so bolj zadovoljni s komunikacijo z materami, imajo z njimi bolj zaupljiv odnos ter v odnosu z njimi čutijo manj odtujenosti. Skozi raziskavo se večinoma niso pokazale statistično značilne pozitivne povezave med regulacijo afekta in stopnjo spolne promiskuitete (razen povezave med nižjo stopnjo spolne promiskuitete in boljšim zavedanjem čustev ter manj omejenim dostopom do uspešnih strategij za regulacijo čustev) ter stilom navezanosti in stopnjo spolne promiskuitete pri mladostnikih (razen med višjo stopnjo spolne promiskuitete in odklonilno-izogibajočim stilom navezanosti). V kvalitativnem delu se je v fenomenološki psihološki študiji osvetlilo doživljanje odnosov spolno promiskuitetnih mladostnikov z njihovimi starši, njihovi stili navezanosti in načini regulacije afekta ter njihovo doživljanje partnerskih odnosov in spolne promiskuitete. Študiji primera sta prikaz psihoterapevtskega dela s spolno promiskuitetnima klientkama, s poudarkom na intervencijah v smeri preoblikovanja nefunkcionalnih odnosov s starši in ne-varnega stila navezanosti ter izboljšanja čustvene regulacije.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:mladostniki, spolna promiskuiteta, stili navezanosti, regulacija afekta, odnos s starši, psihoterapija
Vrsta gradiva:Doktorsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.08 - Doktorska disertacija
Organizacija:TEOF - Teološka fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[A. Fabjan]
Leto izida:2021
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134099 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
UDK:159.964:392.64 -053.6(043.3)
COBISS.SI-ID:90107395 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:23.12.2021
Število ogledov:1454
Število prenosov:282
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Characteristics of Affect Regulation and Attachment Styles with Sexual Promiscuous adolescents and the Treatment of Sexual Promiscuity in the Psychotherapy Process
This doctoral thesis deals with sexual promiscuity in adolescents, and explores its possible relationships with the quality of their contact with parents, attachment styles and affect regulation, and illuminates the treatment of two sexual promiscuous adolescents in the psychotherapy process. In the theoretical introduction, the literature review first presents the adolescence period and sexual behaviour, as well as the concepts of sexual promiscuity and sociosexual orientation. This is followed by a description of the quality of the relationship with parents and the importance of sex education, followed by a chapter on attachment styles and their portrayal of partner relationships, both in adulthood and adolescence. The theoretical part continues with the part on affect regulation and its role in the field of partnership and sexuality, the theological view of sexuality and sexual promiscuity, and concludes with psychotherapeutic aspects of sexuality and the treatment of sexual promiscuity. The empirical part covers a quantitative survey in which 307 Slovenian female and male adolescents aged 18–24 participated. Through the SOI-R, RQ, DERS and IPPA questionnaires, the field of sexual prosperity and its possible links with the quality of contact between the adolescent and the parents, their attachment styles and affect regulation were explored. The field is further highlighted in the qualitative work, the phenomenological psychological study and two psychotherapeutic case studies. The survey found that the rate of sexual promiscuity is higher in male adolescents than in female adolescents, the same was shown for adolescents over 21 years of age, they are more promiscuous than younger adolescents. A lower level of sexual promiscuity can be expected in adolescents who are more satisfied with their communication with their mothers, have a more trusting relationship with them and feel less alienated from them. The survey showed no statistically significant positive association between affect regulation and the degree of sexual promiscuity (except for the association between lower levels of sexual promiscuity and better awareness of emotions and less limited access to successful strategies for regulating emotions) and the attachment style and the degree of sexual promiscuity in adolescents (except between higher levels of sexual promiscuity and dismissive avoidant attachment style). Qualitative part in a phenomenological psychological study highlights the experience of sexually promiscuous adolescents with their parents, their attachement styles and ways of regulating affect, and their experience of partnering and sexual promiscuity. Case studies are a demonstration of psychotherapy work with sexually promiscuous clients, with an emphasis on interventions to transform dysfunctional relationships with parents and an unsafe attachment style and improve emotional regulation.

Ključne besede:adolescents, sexual promiscuity, attachment styles, affect regulation, relationship with parents, psychotherapy

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