
Tveganje neizpolnitve v mednarodni prodajni pogodbi
ID Kren, Urša (Avtor), ID Juhart, Miha (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Predmet te magistrske diplomske naloge je opis pravne ureditve mednarodne prodajne pogodbe, s poudarkom na tveganju neizpolnitve. V začetku je predstavljena splošna ureditev mednarodne prodajne pogodbe, kot najpogostejše pogodbe v mednarodnih transakcijah, nato so predstavljeni pravni akti in pravila, ki jo urejajo, prav tako tudi kaj je predmet te pogodbe, katere so obvezne sestavine, katere neobvezne ter kdo so stranke te pogodbe. V zvezi z mednarodno prodajno pogodbo je posebna pozornost namenjena Dunajski konvenciji, ki predstavlja poenotenje pravil o prodaji blaga na mednarodni ravni, pod pogojem, da prodaja spada na področje Konvencije, hkrati pa da stranke za katere velja, njene uporabe niso izključile. Nadalje se v tretjem poglavju opisuje pravna ureditev položaja prodajalca, njegove obveznosti v zvezi z izpolnitvijo mednarodne prodajne pogodbe, kršitve, ki jih lahko zakrivi v zvezi z izpolnjevanjem ter zahtevki, ki jih kupec lahko uveljavlja, da zavaruje svoj položaj. V podobnem smislu se v četrtem poglavju opisuje pravno ureditev položaja kupca, njegove obveznosti in kršitve, ki jih lahko zakrivi ter zahtevke, katere lahko uveljavlja prodajalec. Želja te magistrske diplomske naloge je tudi prepoznati, kako oblikovati ter zavarovati mednarodno prodajo, da bi le-ta bila kar najbolj dorečena in zavarovana, s tem pa mednarodna prodajna pogodba optimalno oblikovana. Zaradi slednjega je magistrska diplomska naloga namenjena tudi poudarjanju pomembnih vidikov mednarodne prodajne pogodbe in temu, kaj vse naj vsebuje, da se, kolikor je to mogoče, izogne nevšečnostim, ki jih prinese neizpolnitev obveznosti pogodbe s strani strank. Navaja se tudi sodna praksa, ki ponuja izvirne rešitve v slučaju neizpolnitve obveznosti, ki izhaja iz mednarodne prodajne pogodbe.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:mednarodna prodajna pogodba, Dunajska konvencija, neizpolnitev pogodbe, obveznosti prodajalca, kršitve prodajalca, zahtevki prodajalca, obveznosti kupca, kršitve kupca, zahtevki kupca.
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:PF - Pravna fakulteta
Leto izida:2021
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133753 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:90017283 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:14.12.2021
Število ogledov:3378
Število prenosov:382
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The risk of non-performance of an international sales contract
The subject of this master's thesis is a description of the legal regulation of an international sales contract, with an emphasis on the risk of non-performance. First, the general regulation of the international sales contract, which is the most common contract in international transactions, is presented; then follows the presentation of the legal acts and rules governing the contract, as well as what is its subject, what are the mandatory components, which ones are optional and who are the parties of this contract. With regards to the international sales contract, special attention is paid to the Vienna Convention, which represents the unification of rules on the sale of goods on international level, provided that the sale falls within the scope of the Convention and that the parties, to which it applies, didn't exclude its use. Furthermore, the third chapter describes the legal regulation of the seller's position, his obligations in relation to the performance of an international contract of sale, the breaches which he may commit in connection with the performance and the claims which the buyer may make to secure his position. In a similar sense, the fourth chapter describes the legal regulation of the buyers' position, his obligations, the breaches he may commit and the claims which the seller may make. The intention of this master's thesis is also to recognize how to design and insure international sales, so that it is as definite and insured as possible, and thus the international sales contract is optimally designed. For the latter reason, the master's thesis is also intended to highlight all the important aspects of an international sales contract and what it should contain, in order to avoid, as much as possible, the inconvenience caused by the failure of the parties to fulfill the obligations of the contract. There is also the presentation of case laws, which offer original solutions in case of non-performance of obligations arising from an international sales contract.

Ključne besede:international sales contract, Vienna Convention, non-performance of the contract, obligations of the seller, non-performance of the seller, claims of the seller, obligations of the buyer, non-performance of the buyer, claims of the buyer.

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