The master's thesis discusses how the concept of inclusion is reflected in the educational plans of primary schools. It focuses on the analysis of concrete educational plans and documentation related to educational planning.
In the theoretical part of the thesis, the reasons for the educational planning are discussed and the concept of inclusion is explained. The school as an educational institution strives to create critical individuals and co-create an equitable society. The public school is obligatory and should, therefore, allow diversity and be independent of specific particular beliefs: thus, it should be neutral in its world views. School education is based on values that allow pluralism and enable active participation of all individuals. The pedagogical profession is not entirely unified in believing that the concept of human rights covers common human values. The thesis presents the controversy between experts, explains the importance of transparent education in public schools and presents the arguments for the educational plan, taking into account certain historical events. In their work, schools are quite autonomous: their functioning can have a significant impact on the development of the inclusionary stance. All this covers the concept of inclusion. Inclusion tends to exceed the tendency to distinguish and the categorisation of people based on specifics that do not directly affect the student performace. The introduction of this concept requires systemic and professional support with pedagogical workers having a significant impact on the development. The master's thesis presents the arrangement of our school system, mentioning the training of future pedagogical workers.
The empirical part of the thesis discusses how the educational plan reflects ways of achieving and fulfilling the objectives and values that have been enacted, and how the concept of inclusion is reflected through vision, mission, educational activities and principles. It focuses on the differences between the content of The Basic School Act (slo: Zakon o osnovni šoli), Recommendations on ways of designing and implementing the primary school educational plan (slo: Priporočila o načinih oblikovanja in uresničevanja vzgojnega načrta osnovne šole), The Guide to planning (slo: Priročnik za načrtovanje: Vzgojno poslanstvo šole) and the actual educational plans of certain primary schools. The findings suggest that there is no significant difference between the analysed documentation. In their educational planning, schools help themselves with the above mentioned documents, while also adding their ideas (in accordance with the needs of the environment or based on past practices). In the analysis of the educational documents, the idea of inclusion can be detected, but it would be reasonable to ascertain whether all that has been written is realized in practice as well.