In my Master`s thesis I have particularly dealth with the the process of deinstitutionalization of educational homes for youths, precisely with the process of deinstitutionalization of Educational home Veržej. In the theoretical part more attention has been put on specific subjects which are related with the children and the youths with emotional and behaviouristic problems. In the empirical part I have tried to figure out; through interviews with children and youths from Educational home Veržej, their teachers amd other experts; what are the differences between living/staying in an Educational home and living/staying in dwelling groups. I have tried to present the current structure of Education home Veržej, highlight the ideas of deinstitutionalization on running the educational home and realize the differences which teachers and other experts see at their work in educational groups and dwelling groups. I have been interested in how the children and the youths see staying in certain groups and which are the advantages and disadvantages of staying in certain groups. Through conversations with the head of the educational home, the social worker and the teachers I have learned what are their main problems which they come across in Educational home Veržej, what is their attitude to the process of deinstitutionalization and with which problems the children and the youths come across during their staying in Educational home Veržej.