
Lokacijski dejavniki razvoja Las Vegasa
ID Jurič, Jan (Avtor), ID Resnik Planinc, Tatjana (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: 2073C364AA6146E3D75CA32E65233297

Cilj mojega diplomskega dela je bil podrobneje preučiti lokacijske dejavnike, ki so vplivali in še vplivajo na razvoj ter obstoj mesta Las Vegas. Pri raziskovanju sem se oprl predvsem na strokovno literaturo in internetne vire, ker delo na terenu zaradi epidemioloških razmer žal ni bilo mogoče. Nato sem skozi več študij primerov analiziral kako se je mesto Las Vegas razvilo sredi ljudem tako neprijaznega okolja. Ugotovil sem, da kljub temu, da mesto danes leži sredi puščavske doline, kjer bi na prvi pogled dejali, da ni ne duha ne sluha o kakršnikoli obliki vode, je prav ta ključnega pomena, za nastanek in obstanek življenja na tem območju. Prvi so se v tej dolini naselili ameriški staroselci, kasneje Španci, mormonski kmetovalci in lastniki rančev, vsi pa so za svoj obstoj potrebovali vodo, ki se je skrivala v vodonosnikih pod površjem. Zaradi pretiranega izčrpavanja arteške vode v naslednjih desetletjih pa se je površje pod Las Vegasom začelo pogrezati, kar je povzročilo veliko gmotne škode na infrastrukturi. Vendar to ni edini primer »maščevanja« narave. Izgradnja Hooverjevega jezu in posledično teža jezera Mead je vplivala na sprožanje potresov. Prav tako mesto danes pestijo številni temperaturni ekstremi, ob poletnih nevihtah pa preglavice povzročajo hudourniški tokovi. Mesto je danes odvisno reke Kolorado in umetnega jezera Mead, ki je v zadnjih letih doživel precejšen upad vodne gladine. Zaradi širjenja urbanega življenja, gradnje igralnic in posledično večjega števila turistov, se vseskozi veča potreba po vodi in električni energiji. Mesto, ki se sveti daleč naokoli v puščavo, pa je prepleteno tudi z revščino in bedo življenja, ki ga je povzročila recesija leta 2008 in epidemija COVID- 19, vendar tega se zaveda le malo tistih, ki obiščejo Las Vegas.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Las Vegas, podnebje, naravne nesreče, hidrologija, demografija, turizem
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Leto izida:2021
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131809 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:04.10.2021
Število ogledov:1053
Število prenosov:112
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The influence of location factors on Las Vegas development
The goal of my dissertation was to explore in more detail the locational factors that have influenced and continue to influence the development and existence of the city of Las Vegas. In my research, I relied primarily on professional literature and Internet resources. Then I went through several case studies, analyzed how the city of Las Vegas developed in the midst of such a people-unfriendly environment. I found that despite the fact that the city today lies in the middle of a desert valley, where at first glance we would say that there is no any form of water, it is this crucial for the emergence and survival of life in this area. The first to settle in this valley were Native Americans, later Spaniards, Mormon farmers, and ranch owners, all of whom needed water hidden in aquifers below the surface for their existence. Due to the excessive depletion of artesian water in the following decades, however, the surface beneath Las Vegas began to sink, causing much material damage to the infrastructure. However, this is not the only example of how nature is “taking revenge” on us, as the construction of the Hoover Dam and consequently the weight of Lake Mead influenced the triggering of earthquakes. Today, the city is also plagued by numerous temperature extremes, and during summer storms, headaches are caused by torrents. Today, the city is held upright by the Colorado River and Lake Mead, which has experienced a significant drop in water levels in recent years. Due to the expansion of urban life, the construction of casinos and the consequent increase in the number of tourists, the need for water and electricity is constantly increasing. The city, which shines far and wide in the desert, is also intertwined with the poverty and misery of life caused by the 2008 recession and the COVID-19 epidemic, but few of those who visit Las Vegas are aware of this.

Ključne besede:Las Vegas, climate, natural disasters, hydrology, demography, tourism

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