In this master’s work we first represent Heidegger’s philosopy of art, then we consider his interpretation of two, for this work, key Hölderlin’s hymns »Wie wenn am Feiertage …« and »Andenken«, where we meet the conception of sacret, connected with Heidegger’s phylosophy of art. Heidegger in his interpretation gives a special meaning to poets, who he represents as mediums between sacret world and other people. The consequence of this mediumship are works of art. In accordance with Heidegger’s phylosophy, the beauty is one of ways how the truth is essential as indiscretion (alétheia). If we connect concepts of truth, beauty and goodness, we can conclude that works of art contains cognitive, esthetic and ethical component. Then we, from phylosophical point of view, define the concept of sacred and connect it with theory of numinous. We can notice that elements of numinous are present also in other Hölderlin’s late hymns. Hedegger’s phylosophical approach to literature is one of many other possible.