Quick rise of digital libraries in 21st century had lead to several discusions regarding this theme. Many warns of need to prioritise user and to develop user friendly digital libraires, to which theoretic models, principals and trends of planning are oriented. In this seminar we are going to introduce how digital library of tales for children is built, and for which we gathered 140 recordings from Knjižnica Lenart and Mariborska knjižnica. Tales were published in time of partial closure regarding Covid-19 safety measures and it is how libraires stayed in touch with younger users. For building digital library we used open-source software Greenstone, which builds its collection based on metadata from Dublin Core and prototype, which we designed to set search indexes and browsing classifiers. It is where we followed principles and trends for planning user interface in which we focused on Shneiderman. We introduced creation of digital library in Greenstone and obstacles which we encountered. At the end we introduced final version of digital library, showed examples of searching and how to use it. We managed to build and create user friendly digital library within Greenstone tools. During creation of digital library we encountered on questions which can lead to new researches based on collected data.