Animation is a method, in which the still images create the illusion of movement on screen. We manipulate the viewer with fast-moving pictures to make them look as they can actually move. The intention of the diploma thesis is to make a 2D animated film based on a screenplay template with synchronized sound.
In the course of the diploma thesis we had to provide different Software: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Animate, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premier Pro, Reaper (Digital Audio Workstation) and Sketchbook. In addition to the software and, of course, the computer, we also used a graphics tablet, a microphone and a sound card.
The diploma thesis was divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part mainly covers the history of animated film around the world and here, which we continue with the history of the inclusion of sounds and speech or dialogue in general.
In practical work, we get to know the wokflow of the creation of animation, from the design to the final product. We tested ourselves in the role of all important members of production houses to get the most realistic insight into the creation of such a project.
The final product of the diploma thesis is a short cartoon with synchronization of speech and sound.