In Bela krajina, where surface water is the exception rather than the rule due to the karst surface, people sought locations for their settlement where access to water was possible. Throughout history, they used springs, water karst caves and built ponds and drips. At the end of the 19th century, they started building the first system for water supply in Bela krajina, which is still being upgraded and expanded over a large area with scattered settlements today. There are quite a few water resources important for water supply in the researched area. Some are covered springs, others are wells from which water is pumped. The source of the river Dobličica is among the most important ones, as Krupa, one of the most watery springs in the area, cannot be used due to the pollution in the past. The length of primary and secondary water supply pipelines in Bela krajina is about 700 km. Due to the karst surface and underground water flow, this is an area that is ecologically sensitive and it is necessary to pay special attention to all human impacts on the environment, so that they do not affect the water supply, which is crucial for human survival.