With a qualitative research I analyse the lives od people who live in home group ŠENT during the COVID-19 epidemic. I am researching their needs. The COVID-19 epidemic is an oppurtunity and challenge, but it reveals problems that existed before the epidemic.
First of all, in the theoretical introduction, I present the proces of deinstitucionalization and ctitical view of total institution, I explain the concepts of community services and community treatment, NGOs and I present a brief history of the development of community services and the creation of home groups in Slovenia. I continue with the description of the long-term care system. Then I describe the NGO ŠENT, home groups and methods, concept of social work in home groups. I also describe the transitivity, advantages and disadvantages of home groups. At the end of the theoretical introduction, I describe the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, epidemic and social work in home group and then I conclude with the strength of recovery during the COVID-19 epidemic.
I am interested in the following research questions, what is the employment of residents of home groups and what are the circumstances and reasons for joining the programme. Then I am interested in the COVID-19 period: what were the needs of the residents of the home group ŠENT (savinjska regija) during the COVID-19 epidemic (information, their room, daily life, contacts and sociability, relievers, certainty and sense), I am interested in the user aspect of the home group programme at the time of COVID-19, how did the resident think about independent living and the future, how the transition of home group was being exercised during this period and how the acquired skills in the home group contributed to the stress relief during this period.
Second of all, I present the results of qualitative research, which show how different and complex the needs of residents in home group are. The results also show how the lives of residents in home group have changed, the lack of need for social contact, sociability and activity. Although digital communication offers a range of opportunities, it cannot replace the personal contact we need to strive for in the social work profession. The advantages of the programme are learning skills for independent living and support. The results also show problems with the transition of residents in home group that previously existed. However, the results show a great desire for independent living of residents in home group even during the COVID-19 epidemic.