Introduction: A troubled child is often stigmatized by various professionals and parents. In addition to learned influences, the nature of the behavioral and emotional characteristics and characteristics of children or the reflection of various disease states also affects behavior. Inappropriate behavior affects the quality of life of children. Purpose: We wanted to establish an assessment of the quality of life of children that is so behaviorally required. Methods: A questionnaire on the benefits in difficulty for children aged 4 to 17 at the 2017 one-week summer camp for children with health and behavioral problems was used for the survey. 66 children aged between 7 and 15 years were included. Results: Involved children both in the emotional dose averaged 3.88 points; in the field of behavioral problems 4.48 points; in the area of hyperactivity 4.67 points; 4.20 points in the field of interspecific relations and 7.12 points in the field of social behavior. In total, they scored 17.23 points in the problem area. Discussion and conclusion: According to the 4-part strength and difficulties questionnaire categorization of behavior, so that children resonate in the emotional field slightly above the normal number of points, slightly elevated to a high number of points in the area of behavioral problems, do not stand out as hyperactive, have slightly elevated to maximum points on in the field of interspecies relations and have appropriate social behavior. The average total score in behavioral problems is high, a key topic that some children have symptomatic therapy. As the prevalence of behavioral and emotional disorders increases, in-depth research into the causes and the development of interdisciplinary strategies to support children in other important people in their environment is needed.