The master thesis address the field of acoustics, which deals with environmental noise, more precisely with the noise of rail transport. This kind of noise, just behind the noise of road transport, affects most people. The basic theoretical background on sound and noise, current legislation in this area and methods for determining noise pollution in the environment are presented. The noise assessment process is presented in detail using computational methods.
Two possible computational methods for calculating railway noise are the calculation methods RMR and CNOSSOS-EU. The use of the RMR method was until recently prescribed in the Slovenian legal order, but in 2019 Uredba o spremembah Uredbe o ocenjevanju in urejanju hrupa v okolju, which provides for the use of the common European method CNOSSOS-EU, was adopted. For both calculation methods, the essential characteristics and equations that influence the assessment of noise pollution in the environment are presented.
In the practical part of the master's the following work, several comparisons were made between the two methods, namely checking the differences in noise pollution at the point of assessment at the source depending on the choice of rolling stock category, checking the impact of the selection of individual characteristics of the rolling stock and the rail track on the emission of rail traffic and checking the noise pollution differences between the calculation methods in the municipality of Krško. The purpose of the comparisons was to identify the differences in noise pollution expected when applying the new Calculation Method CNOSSOS-EU to the previous RMR method in practice and what are the reasons for the deviations.